Pair 3 NS - Chris Bayliss / Sheila Faulkner
Place: 4, Percentage: 46.09%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 1 4: Geoff Pollard / Ian Town 2NT N JH 11 210 6 100% Board 2 4: Geoff Pollard / Ian Town 3NT N 8H 9 600 6 100% Board 3 4: Geoff Pollard / Ian Town 3NT E 8H 10 -630 2 33% Board 7 3: Agnes Grant / Julie Jeffery 3NT N 9C 11 660 5 83% Board 8 3: Agnes Grant / Julie Jeffery 2 W
2H 8 -110 0 0% Board 9 3: Agnes Grant / Julie Jeffery 4 S
2H 8 -100 2 33% Board 10 2: Leeonie Douglas / Mary Werfel 4 S
8S 7 -300 0 0% Board 11 2: Leeonie Douglas / Mary Werfel 4 E
JD 11 -450 2 33% Board 12 2: Leeonie Douglas / Mary Werfel 4 S
9H 8 -200 1 17% Board 16 5: Antonia Loneragan / Sarah Prevost Street 4 S
3D 9 -50 3 38% Board 17 5: Antonia Loneragan / Sarah Prevost Street 2 W
5S 10 -170 5 62% Board 18 5: Antonia Loneragan / Sarah Prevost Street 2NT N 3H 8 120 4 50%
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