Pair 1 EW - Margaret Davidsohn / Leonie Douglas
Place: 3, Percentage: 50%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 1 1: Lyn Morehen / Aggie Grant 3 E
10 170 0 0% Board 2 1: Lyn Morehen / Aggie Grant 2 N
9 -110 1 25% Board 3 1: Lyn Morehen / Aggie Grant 2 N
8 -110 2 50% Board 7 2: John Hertz / Annette Hill 2 W
7 -100 0 0% Board 8 2: John Hertz / Annette Hill 3 S
8 50 3 75% Board 9 2: John Hertz / Annette Hill 1 S
8 -90 0 0% Board 13 3: Virginia Hazard / Lee Winheyer 1NT N 8 -120 4 100% Board 14 3: Virginia Hazard / Lee Winheyer 3 E
9 110 4 100% Board 15 3: Virginia Hazard / Lee Winheyer 2 W
9 140 4 100%
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