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Members Page

This page provides news about members, the occasional member profile, and other snippets which may be of interest to members.


Here are some photos from the 2023 presentations.

Megan and Rose (Improver's Trophy)

David, Tony, Mardi, Rakesh (Iredale Teams)

Kirsten and Judith (Restricted Pairs)

David, Stephen, Robin, Tony (Regional Teams)

Chris and Alan (Swiss Pairs)

Winners are Grinners

At the conclusion of he 2022 Christmas party, the year's trophys were presented. There were a lot of smiling faces!

Champions of the Future?

To round off Kirsten and Judith's very successful 2022 teaching program, students and teachers had their own very well-deserved Christmas lunch.

Strengthen your partnership!

Both booklets by Rakesh Kumar are now available: each is an easy-to-read 44-page guide, with booklet 1 written especially for improving club players and booklet 2 for intermediate players.

Booklet 1 will help players to consolidate their grasp of the fundamentals of partnership bidding and defence. It covers hand evaluation, finding a fit, dealing with interference, thinking in defence etc.

Booklet 2 focuses on more accurate competitive and and slam bidding, as well as more effective defence. It includes discussion of a variety of useful bidding methods and worthwhile conventions, signalling methods etc.

Why not acquire a copy for yourself and another for your regular partner? Or copies of both! Booklets are $15 each and all proceeds will go to the building fund of the Southern Highlands Bridge Club.

To have a copy (or several) sent to you by mail, please email our Treasurer and provide your name and address. You will be sent confirmation and SHBC account details, so that you can deposit the appropriate amount (for a single booklet this will be $18 including postage) with your name as a reference. The booklet(s) will then be posted to you.

Take Cover!

Mardi Svensson and Rob Ward featured on the cover of the February issue of Australian Bridge. They finished second in the Australia-Wide Restricted Pairs held in clubs across the country in October 2018. This earned Rob a sufficient number of masterpoints to terminate his career in Restricted events!

Interestingly, there was a photo of the winners of the event inside the magazine, but clearly the editor decided that this pair was the more photogenic and belonged on the front cover ...

Profile of Margaret Malcolm and Fiona Khoo

Many of our members do not get to know all our regular Wednesday night players. So ... here's an opportunity to meet two Wednesday night enthusiasts.

How long have you been playing bridge?

More years than either of us care to remember! However, we are a relatively new partnership: we have only been playing together for about 18 months. We play most Wednesday nights.

What do you like most about bridge?

Fiona: It's challenging! And it's lots of fun. I like the social side of bridge too � all the people one meets.
Margaret: Every session of bridge is different and it's always interesting! I never get tired of it.

Contributions from our Members